Tuesday, June 28, 2011

In My Hands...

To whom much is given, much is required. What a statement! Don't get me wrong, I'm all for everything before that comma but I begin to squirm a little bit at the thought of the 'much is required' part. I'm aware that I've been blessed beyond measure just to be born in a country that allows me to worship freely, pursue dreams, and follow any opportunity I wish. Basically, my perspectives are endless. However, it is all of these good things God has put inside me and surrounded me with that I am called to account for. My gifts, my money, my job, my choices - they are all under my watch and are my responsibility. Regardless of whether I have multiple talents and blessings or just one, I have the job of putting them to work. That's where Romania comes in.
Jesus told a parable of a master who gave each of his servants 'talents' according to each man's ability to use them. It wasn't the quantity that was significant as much as the stewardship of each servant. That's a sermon we've all probably heard a thousand times. As I was reading this story, however, my attention was drawn to the verse that read, "and the one who had received 5 talents went off right away and put his money to work." That's what I want to be said of me - that I took what God gave me and put it to work PRONTO! To me, Romania is just one of the opportunities that I have to use all that God has given me. I am healthy, I have more than enough food and clothes, I have talents, I am free of responsibilities that would prevent my leaving for 5 weeks. All of these things are blessings and Romania is my chance to thank God for them. I want to use what's in my hand with all the love that God has put inside my heart. I might not have everything but I'm not called to be a steward of what I don't have. What I do have, however, I will use. That is all that is required.

"It is like a man going on a journey who summons His servants and entrusts His wealth to them. To the one He gave five talents, to another two, and to another one, each according to his ability. Then he went on his journey. The one who had received five talents went off right away and put his money to work..."
~Matthew 25:14-16

Monday, June 27, 2011

On My Heart...

With the trip fast approaching, the pace of the remaining preparations has quickened. I know before I blink, friday will be here and I will (finally!) be Romania bound. Yet in these final days before we jump on a plane, the reality of everything is beginning to set it. The seriousness of the commitment I've made is starting to hit home; the excitement of the adventure that's about to begin is saturating my soul; the concerns that accompany international travel are being weighed more heavily. And yet, the peace that follows a decision covered in God's grace is ever-present. You know, the minor difficulties and inconveniences don't even hold water in comparison with the peace that passes understanding that God pours into my life each and every morning I wake up.
Regardless of what this trip has in store, I rest easy knowing He knew far in advance what would happen. This peace doesn't promise a trip without glitches. Rather it promises me that I am secure whatever may happen because God has His eyes on me - He knows my way. Its this peace that assures me that this trip was not my idea but HIS idea. A wise person once told me concerning obeying God, "The provision is always in the command; what God commands, He provides for." In that knowledge, I can go forward confidently with my heart wide open for all He has in store for me.

For all those who will be following my adventures the next 5 weeks, welcome! I hope these pieces of my experiences in Romania can build a bigger picture for you of the awesomeness of my God. I'm looking forward to the joys and I'm looking forward to the tears. I don't know about you, but I'm ready for a God-reality check and I hope you're with me. We're not all called to go to Romania but who of us isn't called to have our heart broken for someone else?

Whoever shuts their ears to the cry of the poor will also cry out and not be answered.
~Proverbs 21:13