Saturday, July 30, 2011

A Dose of Truth

The team had a few firsts today. We had our first breakfast at the Visans'; the french toast was wonderful and the company was just as good! Then we took a drive outside Oradea and the newest team members got to see a little bit of the beautiful Romanian mountains for the first time. Although it was a bit rainy, the mountains still looked stunning against the gray skies. The mountains reached up as the clouds bent low to touch them and the sight made me smile. God is so creative. Then to top it all off, the team got our first opportunity to sit in on a Messianic Jewish service. I can't speak for everyone, but for me in particular, it was such an honor to worship with the very people Jesus chose to identify Himself with. Though the technicalities of the rituals might have changed a little, the Messianic Jewish faith is so close to what Jesus was and taught. It was an experience like no other and I was truly touched.
All these firsts keep reminding me of a painful truth - what we want is not always what we need. Let me explain. There were several times today that I didn't want to go somewhere or do something but because we are a team, I went. Although I may not have "felt" like going, doing, etc., the blessings I received today outweigh any inconvenience I might have initially felt. If I hadn't gone on the drive to the mountains today, I would have never seen some of the unique scenery today offered. If I hadn't gone to the messianic service, I wouldn't have been impacted by the beauty of the messianic jewish community. My life is all the richer due to these experiences and nonetheless for doing things I didn't "feel" like doing.
The longer I'm a Christian, the more I am convinced that God is far less concerned with my comfort than I initially believed. Why? Because God knows that in order to grow, I must change. Change is painful sometimes but that doesn't make it unnecessary. This whole idea makes me uncomfortable but I suppose that's the point. God did try to warn me that His thoughts weren't my thoughts and His plans weren't my plans. (Is. 55:8) I am growing and changing and honestly, I wouldn't wish for anything else.

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